Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions for your VM

1 min to read

Once you have a VirtualBox VM with Ubuntu installed, it's time to add VirtualBox's Guest Additions functionality. This gives you a bunch of useful features like better input integration and a shared clipboard for copy and pasting from your host machine into your virtual machine.


To install VirtualBox Guest Additions
  1. Update your Ubuntu operating system from the terminal.

// In the Terminal

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

The upgrade could take a while, depending on your internet connection.

Note: If prompted for a y/n response, press y to install the upgrades.

  1. Reboot your guest operating system (Ubuntu).
  2. Install required packages.

// In the Terminal

sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)

  1. From the VirtualBox VM window's menu bar, select Devices, then select "Insert Guest Additions CD image."
  1. When prompted by the auto-run window, select Run.
  1. After installation is complete, in the Terminal window, press Return.
  1. Turn off your VM by selecting Machine > ACPI shutodwn.

Next steps

Create a shared folder for your VM and host machine. (article pending)